Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Existential Block

I’ve been in a literary stupor for some time now…the proverbial ‘storm’ has been long overdue but the ‘lull’ doggedly persists…am emotionally shipwrecked…call it karma for I was dangerously close to being the poster-girl of literary ego-tripping until the hydra-headed monster of ’expectations’ thwacked me right on the head and took me a prisoner of eloquent emptiness….i’ve had my knickers in a knot ever since trying to articulate intangible feelings in black and white but they like impish elves continue to mock me from just beyond reach…so finally I have decided to take the bull by the horns and do some serious damage control before the paralyzing grip of articulate vacuum plunges me into a binding period, definitively ending all reveries of being up there in the literary halls of fame rubbing shouldrz with the likes of rushdie and pamuk(read:siggggggggghhhhhhhhh)… the bright side is that it has made me more of a thinking individual pondering over the higher truths and deeper meanings of our existence in general and life in particular(am so close to nirvana infact that grapevine has it the spiritual gurus are threatening to go on strike…lol)….the result of all my contemplative posturing is that it has made me realize that more often than not it is our own expectations…the fear of being ridiculed…of not being able to live up to expected standards…that keeps us from discovering our true potential…we’re passive dreamers all fighting shy of actually taking the plunge …we got just one life to live, explore, screw up, learn and discover ourselves? so why fritter it away bound by shackles of ‘what-ifs’ and ‘if-onlys’? isn’t it worth trying and failing rather than never trying at all and living to regret it for the rest of our lives? So get up today and get that haircut u’ve always wanted to experiment with(yes…it need not always be lofty …sometimes small too counts)or show up for that audition u’ve always wanted to attend or make that long stalling trip u’ve ben putting off forever now …go ahead- be who you want to be,do what you want to do for life is full of infinite possibilities and it’s yours for the taking -conventions be damned…make the trip down the road to your personal redemption and do it today cuz tomorrow never comes…and before I get too suffocatingly preachy let me call it a day and leave you to sort out your own equations while I go start mulling over the plot of that book I always meant to author...who knows i might jst give Rowling a run for her money in the near future;-p

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